Frienemy – On Sale Feb 03, 2011

Tyrone (Ty) Jackson – A suburban computer professional who moonlights as a conspiracy detective… Tom Elliot – A vice president of one of the largest corporations in the world, has no identity problem… Leroy (Jinxs) Jenkins – Jinxs has spent six years in the military only to realize that after his discharge he is nobody.

U.S. Launches AIDS-Awareness Campaign In Botswana: ‘You All Have AIDS,’ Says U.S.

We can do better for our fellow Africans than to condemn them publicly as sexual lepers, isolating them from their communities, and putting them on hard and harsh drug therapies that are registered against a pre-supposed death. We must first address their food, water and infrastructure needs. We must build a sewage reclamation and water supply system for every town and village where we are concerned about AIDS, long before we worry about drugging and circumcising.

Using Women to Destroy Men

The Illuminati realized that this process can work both ways. Instead of empowering men, women can emasculate them by challenging their power. By teaching women to usurp male power, the Illuminati created a new breed of feckless males incapable of concerted political action. Divide and Conquer.

Eyes Wide Blind – Launch Date 1-1-11

Launch Date 1-1-11. Welcome from Xavier Asante, President, Eyes Wide Blind.