Archives for February 2012

A Guide to Casual Sex

Hollywood social engineers give casual sex a big “OK,” which incidentally is a Masonic sign redolent of the Eye of Horus. Friends With Benefits grossed $150 million worldwide.

The Secret Behind Whitney’s Death

The regretful passing of an American entertainment icon — Whitney Houston — marks yet another sad milestone in the devastating body count of the prescription drug industry…

Xavier Asante’s Response to Tom Joyner

Tom Joyner’s spent a lot of time talking about Black Pride. Let us not forget that Black Pride includes questioning your government. Huey, Dr. King and Malcolm X would attest…

Eating Organic Without Breaking The Bank

You want to get healthy. You want to start eating organic food. You visit your local Whole Foods. Then you see the prices and freak out. “How can I possibly afford this?” you ask. But before you walk about and head to the drive through…