Obey Ye Sheep

Sexually Abused Males, “Oprah Style”

You don’t become one of the world’s richest women without selling out. Her logo is a variation on the Illuminati dot in circle motif. Her show conditioned people to believe “men” in general, and not homosexuals in particular, are responsible for sodomizing boys.

Promiscuity & The Death of Love

If a young woman today said she was saving her virginity for her husband, she’d be considered hopelessly old fashioned. She’d be treated with disdain, as polite society treated a whore 100 years ago.

This is a measure of the triumph of Satanism, the “religion” of the modern world, which lurks behind secularism.

The defining characteristic of civilization is the consecration of sex to marriage, or at the very least, love and courtship. Marriage and family are the red blood cells of a healthy society and the basis for procreation.

Hatti – OMG

Black Pope Gets Questions from WeAreChange LA

The black pope (nickname) interviewed by We are Change! See the video.

Tyler Perry and the Propaganda of Film

Much of mass popular culture in the United States is genocidal in intent. Worse, the manufacturers of racist films and other media products have enlisted the perverted talents of greedy and shameless Black operatives such as Tyler Perry. “This is all done to preempt any attempts at raising popular criticism of structural inequality or from ever popularly asserting the humanity of Black people at all.”

Kanye West courts controversy with dead models hanging from nooses in leaked Monster video

I’ve been a supporter of Kanya West. He was sort of a hero to stand up and say that “Bush doesn’t care about black people!” Not that it was a great act, but it did take nerve considering it could have ruined his career. But then again, is he controlled? This sure does seem like Illuminati stuff to me! Maybe that’s why he keeps getting bigger and bigger!

Obey Your TV

Network Brainwashing

Nintendo issues age warning on its 3D games

Japan’s Nintendo has issued a health warning over the 3D function on its upcoming gaming console, recommending children aged six and under do not play with it to prevent damage to their eyes.