Why Record Black Male Unemployment Remains Invisible to the First Black President

State of the Union speeches usually throw bones in every direction, to every constituency that matters to a president. But even though black male unemployment is at record levels, it remains beneath the notice of the First Black President.

Frienemy – On Sale Feb 03, 2011

Tyrone (Ty) Jackson – A suburban computer professional who moonlights as a conspiracy detective… Tom Elliot – A vice president of one of the largest corporations in the world, has no identity problem… Leroy (Jinxs) Jenkins – Jinxs has spent six years in the military only to realize that after his discharge he is nobody.

The Hidden Face of HIV – Part 2

Well, it’s like a kind of magic. Scientists have a special kind of wisdom, I suppose. Clearly, what the CDC says, at least on one topic, is incorrect. You can tell who’s going to be HIV positive – just by looking at them.

The Hidden Face of HIV – Part 1

“Warning: This test will not tell you if you’re infected with a virus. It may confirm that you are pregnant or have used drugs or alcohol, or that you’ve been vaccinated; that you have a cold, liver disease, arthritis, or are stressed, poor, hungry or tired. Or that you’re African. It will not tell you if you’re going to live or die; in fact, we really don’t know what testing positive, or negative, means at all.”

Using Women to Destroy Men

The Illuminati realized that this process can work both ways. Instead of empowering men, women can emasculate them by challenging their power. By teaching women to usurp male power, the Illuminati created a new breed of feckless males incapable of concerted political action. Divide and Conquer.

What is AZT – Spoof

But what is AZT? It is the drug given to pregnant women worldwide who test HIV positive, on non-specific, poly-reactive, non-standardized HIV tests. The drug has an FDA ‘Black Box’ label, meaning it has caused death at normal, prescribed doses.

Komen Smokes pink ribbon cigarettes (cartoon)

I couldn’t let October’s Breast Cancer Awareness (but not prevention) Month come to a close without posting a satire cartoon exposing all the pinkwashing we’ve seen this month. You…

Tyler Perry and the Propaganda of Film

Much of mass popular culture in the United States is genocidal in intent. Worse, the manufacturers of racist films and other media products have enlisted the perverted talents of greedy and shameless Black operatives such as Tyler Perry. “This is all done to preempt any attempts at raising popular criticism of structural inequality or from ever popularly asserting the humanity of Black people at all.”

Africa and Aids

Eyes Wide Blind – Launch Date 1-1-11

Launch Date 1-1-11. Welcome from Xavier Asante, President, Eyes Wide Blind.