Frienemy – On Sale Feb 03, 2011

Tyrone (Ty) Jackson – A suburban computer professional who moonlights as a conspiracy detective… Tom Elliot – A vice president of one of the largest corporations in the world, has no identity problem… Leroy (Jinxs) Jenkins – Jinxs has spent six years in the military only to realize that after his discharge he is nobody.

Who Brought the Slaves to America?

The story of the slaves in America begins with Christopher Columbus. His voyage to America was not financed by Queen Isabella, but by Luis de Santangelo, who advanced the sum of 17,000 ducats (about 5,000 pounds-today equal to 50,000 pounds) to finance the voyage, which began on August 3, 1492.

In the Name of FreeDumb

So what will we the USA do in the name of FreeDumb: Slavery, Jim Crow, Wounded Knee, Rosewood, Hiroshima

Eyes Wide Blind – Launch Date 1-1-11

Launch Date 1-1-11. Welcome from Xavier Asante, President, Eyes Wide Blind.