Archives for January 2011

Change We Can Believe In (Wink, Wink)

War Crimes

TSA Molestation

Cheney Body Scan

Health-Chemtrails (art)

Health-Chemtrails (art).

What is AZT – Spoof

But what is AZT? It is the drug given to pregnant women worldwide who test HIV positive, on non-specific, poly-reactive, non-standardized HIV tests. The drug has an FDA ‘Black Box’ label, meaning it has caused death at normal, prescribed doses.

Black Pope Gets Questions from WeAreChange LA

The black pope (nickname) interviewed by We are Change! See the video.

GM salmon Frankenfish (cartoon)

It’s that time of year again, when the FDA gathers its experts to decide what new horror to unleash into the food supply. This year it’s genetically modified salmon, a “frankenfish…

Komen Smokes pink ribbon cigarettes (cartoon)

I couldn’t let October’s Breast Cancer Awareness (but not prevention) Month come to a close without posting a satire cartoon exposing all the pinkwashing we’ve seen this month. You…

An Introduction to Chemtrails

For over a year, the military has been spraying the skies throughout America, Canada, and now parts of Europe (including Britain, France, and the Netherlands) with substances that were initially referred to as “mystery contrails” , but later were named “chemtrails”