911 What Happened to Bldg 7?

The Myth of Thanksgiving: Native Blood

It is a deep thing that people still celebrate the survival of the early colonists at Plymouth — by giving thanks to the Christian God who supposedly protected and championed the European invasion. The real meaning of all that, then and now, needs to be continually excavated. The myths and lies that surround the past are constantly draped over the horrors and tortures of our present.

In the Name of FreeDumb

So what will we the USA do in the name of FreeDumb: Slavery, Jim Crow, Wounded Knee, Rosewood, Hiroshima

Did Six Million Really Die?

Did Apollo Actualy Land on the Moon

History Revisted (art)

A few events – History Revisited in Art and Pictures. How many corrupt puppets have been framed? Did you know there was a Building 7? What do you know about the Holocaust? Apollo???