A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford Barack Obama’s top African American aide assures Black journalists that the president has “genuine love” for the Black community. It is an insubstantial line of inquiry, the product of “an infantile obsession with the inner world of the Obamas that is wholly disconnected from the real world […]
Bloodlines of the Illuminati
This video details the Illuminati bloodlines that are currently in control of the world and how those who rule today have ties dating right back to the ancient nations of Egypt and Sumer. These ancient bloodlines long ago made a deal with the fallen angels of the bible who have been posing as the “gods” and other reptilian like creatures of various cultures throughout history…
Pop Culture Icon Rihanna Put Through TSA Naked Body Scanner In Show Of Power
The singer Rihanna was stopped at a security checkpoint at Los Angeles International Airport on Wednesday and asked by TSA agents to walk through a full body imaging device. The TSA maintains this is random, yet it is difficult to believe that was so in this case.
Naomi Wolf – The End of America!
Author and speaker Naomi Wolf present the 10 signs the precede the fall of nations and how the US has all of these signs present at this time. She also details the way that those in control have figured out and understood how to slowly and incrementally over time, remove freedoms …
Banned Episode: Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura
We urge you to watch the videos below because they might not be around for much longer. Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory show about the police state and FEMA camps, which TruTV never re-aired because of constant government harassment…